Montana Anesthesia Services

Using Filters on Anesthesia Machines

The use of filters in anesthesia breathing circuits is a cornerstone of modern anesthesia practicemachines, primarily to minimize the risk of cross-contamination and infection. Integrated into the anesthesia circuit, these filters act as critical barriers, trapping bacteria, viruses, and other particles that could otherwise compromise patient safety. Over the years, extensive research has confirmed the importance of these filters and demonstrated their effectiveness in a variety of clinical settings.

One of the primary motivations for incorporating filters into anesthesia machines is to prevent cross-contamination between patients. Filters such as DAR Barrierbac S® have demonstrated remarkable bacterial filtration efficacy, with clinical studies reporting up to 99.9% efficacy (1). This level of protection is particularly critical in high-risk environments such as the operating room, where patient exposure to potential pathogens is elevated.

In addition, the integration of filters extends the usability of anesthesia breathing circuits, providing both safety and economic benefits. A study examining the combined use of Heat Moisture Exchange (HME) filters with standard respiratory filters showed that breathing circuits can be safely used for up to seven days without increasing the risk of infection. This extended use not only protects patient health, but also results in significant cost savings, with material costs reduced by up to 41% per ventilation case (2). This finding is particularly relevant in resource-constrained healthcare settings where cost efficiency is paramount.

Filters also play a special role in the management of anesthesia-related complications. For example, activated charcoal filters are used in anesthesia workstations to rapidly reduce the concentration of volatile anesthetics, particularly in patients experiencing or at known risk of malignant hyperthermia. These filters can reduce anesthetic concentrations to less than 1 ppm within minutes, providing a critical advantage in emergency scenarios where traditional anesthetic removal methods may be too slow (3). This rapid reduction can prevent potential adverse reactions in patients with known sensitivities to anesthetic agents.

The impact of filters on anesthesia machines extends beyond bacterial filtration, affecting the delivery and efficacy of anesthetic gases as well. An in vitro study showed that silica gel air dryer filters significantly altered end-tidal concentrations of desflurane, a commonly used volatile anesthetic. This interaction highlights the importance of selecting appropriate filters to maintain desired anesthetic concentrations and ensure patient safety during surgery (4). The potential for filters to affect anesthetic delivery underscores the need for careful consideration when integrating them into anesthesia circuits.

Despite the clear benefits, the use of filters must be carefully managed to avoid complications. In pediatric anesthesia, for example, the additional dead space created by filters can lead to mechanical obstructions and respiratory acidosis if not properly accounted for. This emphasizes the need for accurate calculation and adjustment of ventilation parameters, especially in pediatric care (5).

In summary, the use of filters in anesthesia breathing circuits is essential to protect patients from infection, optimize cost effectiveness, and manage anesthesia administration. However, their use must be tailored to the specific clinical context to maximize their benefits while mitigating potential risks. As research continues, the role of filters in anesthesia circuits is likely to expand, further improving patient safety and outcomes.


  1. Vézina DP, Trépanier CA, Lessard MR, Gourdeau M, Tremblay C. Anesthesia breathing circuits protected by the DAR Barrierbac S breathing filter have a low bacterial contamination rate. Can J Anaesth. 2001;48(8):748-754. doi:10.1007/BF03016689
  2. Hübner NO, Daeschlein G, Lehmann C, et al. Microbiological safety and cost-effectiveness of weekly breathing circuit changes in combination with heat moisture exchange filters: a prospective longitudinal clinical survey. GMS Krankenhhyg Interdiszip. 2011;6(1):Doc15. doi:10.3205/dgkh000172
  3. Neira VM, Al Madhoun W, Ghaffari K, Barrowman N, Berrigan P, Splinter W. Efficacy of Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States-Recommended Methods of Preparation for Malignant Hyperthermia-Susceptible Patients Using Dräger Zeus Anesthesia Workstations and Associated Costs. Anesth Analg. 2019;129(1):74-83. doi:10.1213/ANE.0000000000003441
  4. Song SY, Lim BR, Ryu T. Adsorption of desflurane by the silica gel filters in breathing circuits: an in vitro study. Korean J Anesthesiol. 2015;68(3):274-280. doi:10.4097/kjae.2015.68.3.274
  5. Lee JE, Kim JH, Kim SO. Misinterpretation of carbon dioxide monitoring because of deadspace of heat and moisture exchanger with a filter in pediatric anesthesia: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(35):e12158. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000012158